
The success of any project depends mainly on the qualification, efficiency and knowledge of its Promoters. This largely includes knowledge about the products that they are going to manufacture and an understanding of the market that the products will cater to. The Promoters of project that Techmens has undertaken are well aware of the products and market for coal tar by-products because of their extensive experience and involvement in the industry for more than two decades.

The Directors include Prof. Ramesh Chand Gupta, who has a Masters Degree in System Engineering with Bachelors in Mechanical Engg. He has more than 40 years of rich experience in the Carbon Industry. He was the Member of Asia Technical Board of Morganite, UK, for application and modifications of grades of Carbon in Asian Countries. He was also a Non-Executive Director of Morgan Rekofa Board, Germany. He has been associated with many carbon companies of the World Standards. He has vast experience in the field of Hydro Carbon Products.